Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 392
یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا ما لَکُمْ إِذا قیلَ لَکُمُ انْفِرُوا فی سَبیلِ اللَّهِ اثَّاقَلْتُمْ إِلَى الْأَرْضِ أَ رَضیتُمْ بِالْحَیاةِ الدُّنْیا مِنَ الْآخِرَةِ فَما مَتاعُ الْحَیاةِ الدُّنْیا فِی الْآخِرَةِ إِلاَّ قَلیلٌ (38 )
O, you who believe! What is wrong With you that when you are asked To march forth for fighting in Allah"s Way, you cling heavily to the earth? Have you chosen the life of this world Rather than the Hereafter? Whereas The enjoyment of the life of this world Is little as compared with the Hereafter; 1?
إِلاَّ تَنْفِرُوا یُعَذِّبْکُمْ عَذاباً أَلیماً وَ یَسْتَبْدِلْ قَوْماً غَیْرَکُمْ وَ لا تَضُرُّوهُ شَیْئاً وَ اللَّهُ عَلى کُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدیرٌ (39 )
If you do not march forth, Allah will Punish you with a painful Torment and Will replace you with another people And you cannot harm Allah at all; and Allah has Power over all things;
1. Reference is made to the people who were
reluctant to obey the call to Tabuk Expedition which had to be undertaken to the threatening of the Roman Empire. Their reluctance as enumerated by
the commentators was due to:( 1 )the intensity of the heat of the summer( 2 )the length of the journey( 3 )the ripening of the fruits and arriving the time of their harvest( 4 )fear from the strength of the Roman"s war-force.
Afraid; surely, Allah is with us." Then
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 393
إِلاَّ تَنْصُرُوهُ فَقَدْ نَصَرَهُ اللَّهُ إِذْ أَخْرَجَهُ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا ثانِیَ اثْنَیْنِ إِذْ هُما فِی الْغارِ إِذْ یَقُولُ لِصاحِبِهِ لا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنا فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ سَکینَتَهُ عَلَیْهِ وَ أَیَّدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَمْ تَرَوْها وَ جَعَلَ کَلِمَةَ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا السُّفْلى وَ کَلِمَةُ اللَّهِ هِیَ الْعُلْیا وَ اللَّهُ عَزیزٌ حَکیمٌ (40 )
If you do not help the Messenger[ It does not matter ], for Allah did Indeed help him when the disbelievers Expelled him; and he was one of The two when they were in the cave, and He 1? said to his companion: 2?" Do not be Allah sent down His Divine Tranquility Upon him and strengthened him with Forces 3? which you could not see them And made the word of the disbelievers The lowermost, while Allah"s Word Became the uppermost; and Allah is The Source Wisdom Supreme power. 4?
انْفِرُوا خِفافاً وَ ثِقالاً وَ جاهِدُوا بِأَمْوالِکُمْ وَ أَنْفُسِکُمْ فی سَبیلِ اللَّهِ ذلِکُمْ خَیْرٌ لَکُمْ إِنْ کُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ (41 )
[ O, Muslims! ]Go forth with light And heavy war equipment and fight With your wealth and lives in Allah"s Way; that is best for you, if you but Knew[ the benefits of obeying Allah"s Commands ].
1. The Messenger
2. Abu Bakr
3. The Angels
4. Reference is made to the start of the historical
event of the Holy Messenger"s Migration from Makkah to Madinah[ in A. D 622 ]which took place
after the plan of the conspiracy against his life was revealed to him through his Merciful Creator. The
chiefs of the Quraish idolaters at their final meeting in Darulnedvah had decided that the Messenger of Islam should be killed by the swords of the young men from different tribes so that not any particular person have the charge laid against him. So the
Holy Messenger by Allah"s Command left the city for the Thaur Cave where stayed with Abu Bakr one of his Companions for three days; and he was protected by the Divine hosts of his Merciful Guardian. Ali( AS )stayed in the Holy Messenger"s
bed at the night of the plot, thereby swords men were astonished the morning of the next day when they realized the one who left the house was Ali( AS )not the Holy Messenger.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 394
لَوْ کانَ عَرَضاً قَریباً وَ سَفَراً قاصِداً لاَتَّبَعُوکَ وَ لکِنْ بَعُدَتْ عَلَیْهِمُ الشُّقَّةُ وَ سَیَحْلِفُونَ بِاللَّهِ لَوِ اسْتَطَعْنا لَخَرَجْنا مَعَکُمْ یُهْلِکُونَ أَنْفُسَهُمْ وَ اللَّهُ یَعْلَمُ إِنَّهُمْ لَکاذِبُونَ (42 )
Had it been an easy gain and a short And easy journey, they would have Certainly followed you[ O, Messenger ], But the distance was long and seemed Uneasy for them; and they would swear By Allah:" If we were able, we would Have certainly taken part in the war 1? Along with you."[ By such excuses ]they Cause their own soul to be perished, Since Allah knows that they are indeed The liars.
عَفَا اللَّهُ عَنْکَ لِمَ أَذِنْتَ لَهُمْ حَتَّى یَتَبَیَّنَ لَکَ الَّذینَ صَدَقُوا وَ تَعْلَمَ الْکاذِبینَ (43 )
[ O, Messenger! ]Allah forgives You! Why did you give them leave,[ not To take part in fight, ]before it was Known to you which of them spoke The truth and[ before ]you had known Who were the liars?
لا یَسْتَأْذِنُکَ الَّذینَ یُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَ الْیَوْمِ الْآخِرِ أَنْ یُجاهِدُوا بِأَمْوالِهِمْ وَ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَ اللَّهُ عَلیمٌ بِالْمُتَّقینَ (44 )
Those who believe in Allah and The Last Day would not ask your Permission to be exempted from Fighting with their properties and their Lives in Allah"s Way, and Allah Knows Well those who are pious;
إِنَّما یَسْتَأْذِنُکَ الَّذینَ لا یُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَ الْیَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَ ارْتابَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ فَهُمْ فی رَیْبِهِمْ یَتَرَدَّدُونَ (45 )
It is only those who do not believe In Allah and the Last Day and whose Hearts are in doubts that ask your Leave[ to be exempted from fighting ], So in their doubts they waver;
1. Tabuk Expedition
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 395
وَ لَوْ أَرادُوا الْخُرُوجَ لَأَعَدُّوا لَهُ عُدَّةً وَ لکِنْ کَرِهَ اللَّهُ انْبِعاثَهُمْ فَثَبَّطَهُمْ وَ قیلَ اقْعُدُوا مَعَ الْقاعِدینَ (46 )
And had they intended to go Forth[ for fight in the Path of Allah ], They would certainly have prepared Some equipment, but Allah did detest Their being sent forth[ with The believers ]and held them back and it Was said to them:" Do sit among those Tarries and disabled ones!"
لَوْ خَرَجُوا فیکُمْ ما زادُوکُمْ إِلاَّ خَبالاً وَ لَأَوْضَعُوا خِلالَکُمْ یَبْغُونَکُمُ الْفِتْنَةَ وَ فیکُمْ سَمَّاعُونَ لَهُمْ وَ اللَّهُ عَلیمٌ بِالظَّالِمینَ (47 )
Had they taken part in the Holy War, they would not have added to Your strength;[ on the contrary ]they Would have caused mischief and Sowing sedition among you. And there Are some among you who listen to Them[ and act as spies for them ]; and Allah is the Knower of the wrongdoers;
لَقَدِ ابْتَغَوُا الْفِتْنَةَ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَ قَلَّبُوا لَکَ الْأُمُورَ حَتَّى جاءَ الْحَقُّ وَ ظَهَرَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ وَ هُمْ کارِهُونَ (48 )
Indeed, they had sought to stir up Sedition before; and raised difficulties For you[ O, Messenger ]till the Truth, Appeared and Allah"s Command Prevailed, though they disliked it;
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 361
إِذْ یُغَشِّیکُمُ النُّعاسَ أَمَنَةً مِنْهُ وَ یُنَزِّلُ عَلَیْکُمْ مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً لِیُطَهِّرَکُمْ بِهِ وَ یُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمْ رِجْزَ الشَّیْطانِ وَ لِیَرْبِطَ عَلى قُلُوبِکُمْ وَ یُثَبِّتَ بِهِ الْأَقْدامَ (11 )
[ O, believers! Remember ]When Allah covered you with a slumber To bestow you rest from His Presence And He caused rain to descend on You from the sky, to clean you thereby And to remove from you the impurity From Satan and to strengthen your Hearts and to keep your feet firm Therewith. 1?
إِذْ یُوحی رَبُّکَ إِلَى الْمَلائِکَةِ أَنِّی مَعَکُمْ فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا سَأُلْقی فی قُلُوبِ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا الرُّعْبَ فَاضْرِبُوا فَوْقَ الْأَعْناقِ وَ اضْرِبُوا مِنْهُمْ کُلَّ بَنانٍ (12 )
And[ remember O, Messenger ]When your Creator and Nurturer revealed To the Angels, stating:" Verily, I am With you; so keep you firm the believers; Soon I will cast dread into the hearts of The disbelievers; so smite above their Necks and smite their fingertips!"
ذلِکَ بِأَنَّهُمْ شَاقُّوا اللَّهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ وَ مَنْ یُشاقِقِ اللَّهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدیدُ الْعِقابِ (13 )
This[ Command ]was issued Because they opposed and disobeyed Allah and Allah"s Messenger; and Whoever contends against Allah and Allah"s Messenger then[ should know That ]verily, Allah is The Severe-Retributing;
1. Before the rain falls, the enemy had the hold of
the watering-place and the Muslims suffered from thirst in a dry and sandy desert, and could not wash and clean their body and were longing for ablution.
Allah the Grace-Bestowing sent down the rain from the sky and they felt fortified by the Divine Aid; and also the rain consolidated the loose sand and made it possible for them to plant their feet firmly.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 362
ذلِکُمْ فَذُوقُوهُ وَ أَنَّ لِلْکافِرینَ عَذابَ النَّارِ (14 )
[ O, you who disbelieve! ]That[ Torment ]Is for this world, so taste it and know That for the disbelievers the Torment of The Fire is prepared[ in the Hereafter. ]
یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا إِذا لَقیتُمُ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا زَحْفاً فَلا تُوَلُّوهُمُ الْأَدْبارَ (15 )
O, you who believe! When you Encounter with an invasive group of The disbelievers in the battlefield, do Not turn your backs to them[ out of Fear ];
وَ مَنْ یُوَلِّهِمْ یَوْمَئِذٍ دُبُرَهُ إِلاَّ مُتَحَرِّفاً لِقِتالٍ أَوْ مُتَحَیِّزاً إِلى فِئَةٍ فَقَدْ باءَ بِغَضَبٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَ مَأْواهُ جَهَنَّمُ وَ بِئْسَ الْمَصیرُ (16 )
And whoever turns his back to The enemy on such a day, unless it is Within a stratagem of war, or in order To retreat to a troop of his own, he Indeed has entitled himself to Allah"s Wrath; and his abode is the Hell, an evil Destination indeed!
فَلَمْ تَقْتُلُوهُمْ وَ لکِنَّ اللَّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَ ما رَمَیْتَ إِذْ رَمَیْتَ وَ لکِنَّ اللَّهَ رَمى وَ لِیُبْلِیَ الْمُؤْمِنینَ مِنْهُ بَلاءً حَسَناً إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمیعٌ عَلیمٌ (17 )
So[ O, believers! ]you did not kill The disbelievers but Allah killed them[ By the Angels ]; and[ O, Messenger ]you Did not throw an arrow or[ a handful of ]Sands when you did throw but Allah Threw[ by Jibrail ], in order that Allah Might try the believers by a Gracious Trial from His Presence. Verily, Allah is The Knowing Hearer.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 363
ذلِکُمْ وَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ مُوهِنُ کَیْدِ الْکافِرینَ (18 )
[ This event reminds the believers That ]Verily, Allah weakens the plot of The disbelievers.
إِنْ تَسْتَفْتِحُوا فَقَدْ جاءَکُمُ الْفَتْحُ وَ إِنْ تَنْتَهُوا فَهُوَ خَیْرٌ لَکُمْ وَ إِنْ تَعُودُوا نَعُدْ وَ لَنْ تُغْنِیَ عَنْکُمْ فِئَتُکُمْ شَیْئاً وَ لَوْ کَثُرَتْ وَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُؤْمِنینَ (19 )
[ Say O, Messenger to the disbelievers: ]" If you are seeking victory 1?[ as you Claimed and prayed before ], it has Already come upon you through The victory of Islam, so if you give up[ Fighting the believers ], it will be better For you; but if you return[ to attack ], we Shall also return; and your forces will not Avail you, though they may be many; Since Allah is the Supporter of The believers."
یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا أَطیعُوا اللَّهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ وَ لا تَوَلَّوْا عَنْهُ وَ أَنْتُمْ تَسْمَعُونَ (20 )
O, you who believe! Obey Allah And Allah"s Messenger and do not Turn away from the Messenger While you hear his call[ to guidance ];
1. Before Quraish left Makkah to attack the Muslims
in the Badr Battle, they held on to the curtain of Ka`bah and prayed saying:" O, Allah, assist the best of the two forces and the most excellent of the two religions!"
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 364
وَ لا تَکُونُوا کَالَّذینَ قالُوا سَمِعْنا وَ هُمْ لا یَسْمَعُونَ (21 )
And do not be as those who said:" We heard." Whereas they did not listen To the Divine Words;
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُکْمُ الَّذینَ لا یَعْقِلُونَ (22 )
Verily, the worst of moving Creatures in the Sight of Allah are Those who are deaf and dumb[ from Hearing and telling the truth ]and do not Use their reason;
وَ لَوْ عَلِمَ اللَّهُ فیهِمْ خَیْراً لَأَسْمَعَهُمْ وَ لَوْ أَسْمَعَهُمْ لَتَوَلَّوْا وَ هُمْ مُعْرِضُونَ (23 )
If Allah had found in them any Good, He would have made them Hear;[ even so ], if He had made them Hear, they would have turned away While protesting against the Truth. 1?
یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا اسْتَجیبُوا لِلَّهِ وَ لِلرَّسُولِ إِذا دَعاکُمْ لِما یُحْییکُمْ وَ اعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ یَحُولُ بَیْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَ قَلْبِهِ وَ أَنَّهُ إِلَیْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ (24 )
O, you who believe! Give your Response to Allah and His Messenger When you are invited to that which will Give you life; 2? and know that Allah Stands between man and his heart[ And knows man"s intentions through His Embracing Knowledge ]; and Eventually you all shall be gathered to His Presence;
وَ اتَّقُوا فِتْنَةً لا تُصیبَنَّ الَّذینَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْکُمْ خَاصَّةً وَ اعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ شَدیدُ الْعِقابِ (25 )
And fear the disaster which does Not particularly affect only The wrongdoers among you when it Befalls[ such as flood and earthquake ]; And know that Allah is The Severe-Retributing;
1. The Holy Qur"an
2. Islamic Faith
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 366
یا أَیُّهَا الَّذینَ آمَنُوا إِنْ تَتَّقُوا اللَّهَ یَجْعَلْ لَکُمْ فُرْقاناً وَ یُکَفِّرْ عَنْکُمْ سَیِّئاتِکُمْ وَ یَغْفِرْ لَکُمْ وَ اللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظیمِ (29 )
O, you who believe! If you fear Allah by Regarding piety, He will grant you a Power of Distinction[ to distinguish Between Right and Wrong ]and Allah Will remove from you, your evil deeds And will forgive you; and Allah is The Owner of the Great-Grace.
وَ إِذْ یَمْکُرُ بِکَ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا لِیُثْبِتُوکَ أَوْ یَقْتُلُوکَ أَوْ یُخْرِجُوکَ وَ یَمْکُرُونَ وَ یَمْکُرُ اللَّهُ وَ اللَّهُ خَیْرُ الْماکِرینَ (30 )
[ O, Messenger ]And[ remember ]when the Disbelievers plotted against you, they Decided to confine you or to kill you, Or to expel you from the land; 1? they Were plotting and Allah also was Planning[ against their plot ]; and verily, Allah is the Supreme-Planner.
وَ إِذا تُتْلى عَلَیْهِمْ آیاتُنا قالُوا قَدْ سَمِعْنا لَوْ نَشاءُ لَقُلْنا مِثْلَ هذا إِنْ هذا إِلاَّ أَساطیرُ الْأَوَّلینَ (31 )
And when Our Words of Revelation 2? Are recited to them, they say:" We had Heard this before; if we wish we can say The like of these; these are nothing, but Fables of the ancients." 3?
وَ إِذْ قالُوا اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ کانَ هذا هُوَ الْحَقَّ مِنْ عِنْدِکَ فَأَمْطِرْ عَلَیْنا حِجارَةً مِنَ السَّماءِ أَوِ ائْتِنا بِعَذابٍ أَلیمٍ (32 )
And remember[ O, Messenger ]When they said:" O, Allah! If this[ Qur"an ]is indeed the Truth from you, Then rain down stones from the sky on Us,[ who do not believe in it ], or afflict Us with a painful Torment."
1. Makkah City
2. From the Holy Qur"an
3. Pointing to the Taurat and the Injil
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 367
وَ ما کانَ اللَّهُ لِیُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ أَنْتَ فیهِمْ وَ ما کانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ هُمْ یَسْتَغْفِرُونَ (33 )
But Allah would not send any Torment On them while you[ O, Messenger ]Are among them, nor will Allah Chastise them while they could seek Forgiveness[ from their Creator. ]
وَ ما لَهُمْ أَلاَّ یُعَذِّبَهُمُ اللَّهُ وَ هُمْ یَصُدُّونَ عَنِ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرامِ وَ ما کانُوا أَوْلِیاءَهُ إِنْ أَوْلِیاؤُهُ إِلاَّ الْمُتَّقُونَ وَ لکِنَّ أَکْثَرَهُمْ لا یَعْلَمُونَ (34 )
And why should not Allah punish Them while they hinder people from The Sacred Mosque, whereas they are Not its custodians? No men could be its Custodians, except the pious, but most Of them do not understand;
وَ ما کانَ صَلاتُهُمْ عِنْدَ الْبَیْتِ إِلاَّ مُکاءً وَ تَصْدِیَةً فَذُوقُوا الْعَذابَ بِما کُنْتُمْ تَکْفُرُونَ (35 )
Their prayer at the House 1?[ of Allah ]was only whistling and Clapping of hands; therefore[ it was Stated to them: ]" Taste the Torment Due to your disbelief!"
إِنَّ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا یُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوالَهُمْ لِیَصُدُّوا عَنْ سَبیلِ اللَّهِ فَسَیُنْفِقُونَها ثُمَّ تَکُونُ عَلَیْهِمْ حَسْرَةً ثُمَّ یُغْلَبُونَ وَ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا إِلى جَهَنَّمَ یُحْشَرُونَ (36 )
The disbelievers spend their Wealth to hinder[ the people ]from Allah"s Path, so they will continue To spend it, but eventually it will become A cause of regret for them; then they Will be defeated[ by the Muslims ]and Those who disbelieve will be gathered to The Hell;
1. The Ka`bah
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 368
لِیَمیزَ اللَّهُ الْخَبیثَ مِنَ الطَّیِّبِ وَ یَجْعَلَ الْخَبیثَ بَعْضَهُ عَلى بَعْضٍ فَیَرْکُمَهُ جَمیعاً فَیَجْعَلَهُ فی جَهَنَّمَ أُولئِکَ هُمُ الْخاسِرُونَ (37 )
Allah"s Decision is that to separate The impure men from the pure ones And put the impure, one on another, Pile them up together and cast them Into the Hell; they are indeed The losers;
قُلْ لِلَّذینَ کَفَرُوا إِنْ یَنْتَهُوا یُغْفَرْ لَهُمْ ما قَدْ سَلَفَ وَ إِنْ یَعُودُوا فَقَدْ مَضَتْ سُنَّتُ الْأَوَّلینَ (38 )
Say[ O, Messenger! ]to the disbelievers:" If they desist[ from disbelief and Wickedness ], their past would be Forgiven, but if they return to it, The Chastisement of those before them, In the previous times, will overtake them Too." 1?
وَ قاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّى لا تَکُونَ فِتْنَةٌ وَ یَکُونَ الدِّینُ کُلُّهُ لِلَّهِ فَإِنِ انْتَهَوْا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِما یَعْمَلُونَ بَصیرٌ (39 )
And[ O, Muslims! ]fight them until There is no more disbelief or tumult And the Religion of Allah prevails Entirely throughout the earth, but if They desist, then certainly Allah is The Seer of what they do;
وَ إِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَوْلاکُمْ نِعْمَ الْمَوْلى وَ نِعْمَ النَّصیرُ (40 )
And if they turn away[ do not lose Heart ], then know that Allah is your Guardian: The Supreme-Guardian and The Supreme-Aider[ of the believers ].
1. The Divine Affliction
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 369
وَ اعْلَمُوا أَنَّما غَنِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَیْءٍ فَأَنَّ لِلَّهِ خُمُسَهُ وَ لِلرَّسُولِ وَ لِذِی الْقُرْبى وَ الْیَتامى وَ الْمَساکینِ وَ ابْنِ السَّبیلِ إِنْ کُنْتُمْ آمَنْتُمْ بِاللَّهِ وَ ما أَنْزَلْنا عَلى عَبْدِنا یَوْمَ الْفُرْقانِ یَوْمَ الْتَقَى الْجَمْعانِ وَ اللَّهُ عَلى کُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدیرٌ (41 )
And know that whatever of the war- Spoils that you[ O, Muslims ]may gain, One fifth of it is assigned to Allah"s Way And to the Messenger and to the near Relatives 1? of the Messenger[ and also ]to The orphans, the poor who beg and The wayfarers, if you believe in Allah And also in that which 2? We sent down To our obedient worshipper 3? on the Day Of Forqan, 4? the Day when the two Hosts met,[ then keep respect to this Decree ]and know that Allah is Powerful over all things;
1. According to Shiah Commentators, near relatives
of the Holy prophet are the Infallible Imams. Since
they are the on Islamic leaders of the land and they have to spend on the needy people and pay the due expenses of their offices, so they receive a share of Khomos.
2. The Divine Aid: Descended Angels as the hosts of
the believers.
3. The Messenger( S. A )
4. Forqan: The Distinctive Power between Truth and
Falsehood; here, the Day of Forqan means when the two hosts[ the believers and the disbelievers ]met in the Badr Battle and Allah"s Aid caused victory for the Muslims over the disbelievers.
Translation)Saffarzadeh( 375
وَ إِنْ یُریدُوا أَنْ یَخْدَعُوکَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَکَ اللَّهُ هُوَ الَّذی أَیَّدَکَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَ بِالْمُؤْمِنینَ (62 )
And if they intend to deceive you[ O, Messenger ]verily, Allah will Suffice you from their harm; Allah is The One Who strengthened you with His Aid as well as with the help of The believers;
وَ أَلَّفَ بَیْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ لَوْ أَنْفَقْتَ ما فِی الْأَرْضِ جَمیعاً ما أَلَّفْتَ بَیْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَ لکِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَیْنَهُمْ إِنَّهُ عَزیزٌ حَکیمٌ (63 )
And Allah is the One Who caused Unity between the hearts of The believers[ who suffered from discord And dispute before ]; and had you[ O Messenger ]spent all that is on The earth you could not have caused That unity between their hearts, but Allah caused unity between them; verily, Allah is the Source-Wisdom Supreme power.
یا أَیُّهَا النَّبِیُّ حَسْبُکَ اللَّهُ وَ مَنِ اتَّبَعَکَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنینَ (64 )
O, Messenger! Allah will protect you And those who follow you of The believers,[ against the wickedness of Your enemies ]:
1. For providing war equipment against the enemy
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 376
یا أَیُّهَا النَّبِیُّ حَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنینَ عَلَى الْقِتالِ إِنْ یَکُنْ مِنْکُمْ عِشْرُونَ صابِرُونَ یَغْلِبُوا مِائَتَیْنِ وَ إِنْ یَکُنْ مِنْکُمْ مِائَةٌ یَغْلِبُوا أَلْفاً مِنَ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لا یَفْقَهُونَ (65 )
O, Messenger! Urge the believers To fight: 1? If there are twenty steadfast Among you, they will overcome two Hundred, and if there are a hundred Steadfast believers, they will overcome A thousand disbelievers, because The disbelievers are a people who Have no power of understanding;
الْآنَ خَفَّفَ اللَّهُ عَنْکُمْ وَ عَلِمَ أَنَّ فیکُمْ ضَعْفاً فَإِنْ یَکُنْ مِنْکُمْ مِائَةٌ صابِرَةٌ یَغْلِبُوا مِائَتَیْنِ وَ إِنْ یَکُنْ مِنْکُمْ أَلْفٌ یَغْلِبُوا أَلْفَیْنِ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَ اللَّهُ مَعَ الصَّابِرینَ (66 )
For the present situation, Allah has Lightened your burden of task Knowing that in your troop there is Some weakness: If there are of you a Hundred steadfast believers, they Shall overcome two hundred[ of The disbelievers ], and if there are of you A thousand[ steadfast believers ], they Shall overcome two thousand[ of The disbelievers ]by Allah"s Will; and Verily, Allah is the Supporter of The patient.
1. In a defensive position Muslims are urged to fight
to save their own lives and to protect Religion of Islam: This `Ayat was revealed when the polytheists had taken up the sword against the believers seriously.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 377
ما کانَ لِنَبِیٍّ أَنْ یَکُونَ لَهُ أَسْرى حَتَّى یُثْخِنَ فِی الْأَرْضِ تُریدُونَ عَرَضَ الدُّنْیا وَ اللَّهُ یُریدُ الْآخِرَةَ وَ اللَّهُ عَزیزٌ حَکیمٌ (67 )
It is not meet for a Messenger that he Should have the prisoners of war[ and Free them with ransom ], unless he has Defeated[ the disbelievers in The battlefield ]and has triumphed in The land; you desire the temporal profit Of this world, 1? but Allah Wills[ for you ]The Hereafter; and Allah is The Invincible Mighty Decreer;
لَوْ لا کِتابٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ سَبَقَ لَمَسَّکُمْ فیما أَخَذْتُمْ عَذابٌ عَظیمٌ (68 )
Were it not for a previous Ordained Word of Allah, 2? a Severe Torment Would have afflicted you for that Ransom you took.
فَکُلُوا مِمَّا غَنِمْتُمْ حَلالاً طَیِّباً وَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحیمٌ (69 )
Eat of what you have acquired as War booty, lawful and good, but fear From the disobedience of Allah"s Commands. Verily, Allah is the Merciful Forgiving.
یا أَیُّهَا النَّبِیُّ قُلْ لِمَنْ فی أَیْدیکُمْ مِنَ الْأَسْرى إِنْ یَعْلَمِ اللَّهُ فی قُلُوبِکُمْ خَیْراً یُؤْتِکُمْ خَیْراً مِمَّا أُخِذَ مِنْکُمْ وَ یَغْفِرْ لَکُمْ وَ اللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحیمٌ (70 )
O, Messenger! Say to the captives Who are in your hands:" If Allah finds Good intention in your hearts, 3? He will Give you something better than what Has been taken from you, and He will Forgive you; for Allah is The Merciful Forgiving."
وَ إِنْ یُریدُوا خِیانَتَکَ فَقَدْ خانُوا اللَّهَ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَأَمْکَنَ مِنْهُمْ وَ اللَّهُ عَلیمٌ حَکیمٌ (71 )
But if the disbelievers intend To betray you[ O, Messenger ]no Wonder, since[ due to denying their Creator ]they have betrayed Allah too; but Allah granted you power Over them. And Allah is the Knowing Sovereign.
1. Taking the money of ransom for freeing the
2. Except when the condition of taking captives with
or without ransom is being fulfilled; the rule is mentioned in the previous Word of Revelation( 67 )as well as in( 47: 4 )
3. Tendency towards Religion of Islam.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 378
إِنَّ الَّذینَ آمَنُوا وَ هاجَرُوا وَ جاهَدُوا بِأَمْوالِهِمْ وَ أَنْفُسِهِمْ فی سَبیلِ اللَّهِ وَ الَّذینَ آوَوْا وَ نَصَرُوا أُولئِکَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِیاءُ بَعْضٍ وَ الَّذینَ آمَنُوا وَ لَمْ یُهاجِرُوا ما لَکُمْ مِنْ وَلایَتِهِمْ مِنْ شَیْءٍ حَتَّى یُهاجِرُوا وَ إِنِ اسْتَنْصَرُوکُمْ فِی الدِّینِ فَعَلَیْکُمُ النَّصْرُ إِلاَّ عَلى قَوْمٍ بَیْنَکُمْ وَ بَیْنَهُمْ میثاقٌ وَ اللَّهُ بِما تَعْمَلُونَ بَصیرٌ (72 )
Verily, those who believed and Migrated and strove hard and fought With their property and their lives in The Path of Allah as well as those who Gave refuge and gave help to them, These are friends and supporters of One another. And as to those who Believed but did not migrate, you have No duty to protect them until they Migrate; but if they seek your Help in the matter of Religion, it is your Responsibility to help them, except Against the people with whom you Have a covenant of mutual alliance; And Allah is the Seer of what you do.
وَ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِیاءُ بَعْضٍ إِلاَّ تَفْعَلُوهُ تَکُنْ فِتْنَةٌ فِی الْأَرْضِ وَ فَسادٌ کَبیرٌ (73 )
As for the disbelievers, they are Friends of one another, if you[ Muslims ]do not do so[ and do not be Friends and supporters of one Another ], there will be mischief and Corruption spread on the earth 1?[ Due to the influence of The disbelievers. ]
1. In the Islamic community in particular.
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 374
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا فَهُمْ لا یُؤْمِنُونَ (55 )
Verily, the worst of the moving Creatures in the Sight of Allah are Those who disbelieve and they will Never believe;
الَّذینَ عاهَدْتَ مِنْهُمْ ثُمَّ یَنْقُضُونَ عَهْدَهُمْ فی کُلِّ مَرَّةٍ وَ هُمْ لا یَتَّقُونَ (56 )
[ O, Messenger! ]They are those With whom you made a covenant, but They broke the covenant every time And there is no piety in them;
فَإِمَّا تَثْقَفَنَّهُمْ فِی الْحَرْبِ فَشَرِّدْ بِهِمْ مَنْ خَلْفَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ یَذَّکَّرُونَ (57 )
So, if you could get hold of them In the battlefield, punish them severely In order to disperse those groups behind Them so that they may learn a lesson.
وَ إِمَّا تَخافَنَّ مِنْ قَوْمٍ خِیانَةً فَانْبِذْ إِلَیْهِمْ عَلى سَواءٍ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا یُحِبُّ الْخائِنینَ (58 )
And if you[ O, Messenger ]fear Treachery from any people, throw Back their covenant to them on terms Of mutuality, for Allah dislikes The traitors.
وَ لا یَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذینَ کَفَرُوا سَبَقُوا إِنَّهُمْ لا یُعْجِزُونَ (59 )
And those who disbelieved should not Think that they can overcome you: 1? Verily, they will never be able To frustrate Allah"s Power.
1. The Muslims
Translation(Saffarzadeh), Page: 375
وَ أَعِدُّوا لَهُمْ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ قُوَّةٍ وَ مِنْ رِباطِ الْخَیْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَ عَدُوَّکُمْ وَ آخَرینَ مِنْ دُونِهِمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللَّهُ یَعْلَمُهُمْ وَ ما تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَیْءٍ فی سَبیلِ اللَّهِ یُوَفَّ إِلَیْکُمْ وَ أَنْتُمْ لا تُظْلَمُونَ (60 )
And[ to fight the enemy ]prepare Against them to the utmost, such as Armed forces and strong horses and Provisions for fighting, in order To frighten the enemy of Allah as Well as your own enemy and others Besides them, whom you do not know Them but Allah knows them; and Whatever you spend in Allah"s Way 1? Will be repaid to you and you shall not Be dealt with, unjustly;
وَ إِنْ جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَها وَ تَوَکَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمیعُ الْعَلیمُ (61 )